Monopoly Morning

This morning we had a Monopoly game. We had to get into a group of 5 or 6 I was in a group with Stella, Sienna M , Beau, Aiden and Kaelan. We played Monopoly New Zealand Edition. I bought 6 properties. Four train stations and 2 houses. I had 2 get out of jail passes. In the end Sienna M and I ended up tying with six properties each. We had an awesome morning of Monopoly. Here is a photo of us playing Monopoly.

Minecraft Pet Day Challenge

Today is Pet day. So we had to create an animal on Minecraft. I created an animal with Stella, Kaelan, Aiden, Beau and George. The animal has 6 different animals such as: Octopus Tentacles, Chameleon Tail, Panda Body, Monkey Arms, Sheep Head and Ram horns. Our creature is called: Parachashemonkeypus.

Here is our animal:

Handwriting Sample

In Week 10 we did a handwriting sample to show the progress we have made over the last three terms. 

Something I like about my handwriting is how tidy my handwriting is.

Something I need to work on is my capital F.

My goal is to work on my cursive writing.

Battle of the Mountains

For the past 3 weeks we have been learning about the Battle of the Mountains. We learnt lots on our trip to Mt Ruapehu and our bus driver Don told us the story about the battle. We came back to school and lots of learning to extend our knowledge even further. 

  1. The activity I chose to do was a movie about The Battle of The Mountains.
  2. 3 things I learnt about the Battle of the Mountains’ 1. Mt.Taranaki carved the Whanganui river 2. Taranaki is  blind 3. I learnt that millions of years ago the mountains went to war.
  3. What I enjoyed about Don’s story was the way he told the his story.

Here is the activity I did. 

Lahar Week 5

This week we have been learning about Lahars, specifically The Tangiwai Disaster. We have read a book “Journey to Tangiwai” By David Hill. We learnt so much about the disaster. 

were 285 onboard the train. 

151 people died and 134 survived. 

This horrific event happened on 24th December 1983

Here is some writing I did about a Lahar and also a reading activity. We had to choose to write a diary or create a fact file. 

Here is my work. 

Today for Play, Make, Create we made a bridge for Tangiwai. We had to see if we could make a stable bridge for the train to get across.